Metropolitan News-Enterprise


Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Page 3


Registration to Be Required for Civil Motion Reservations


By a MetNews Staff Writer


The Civil Division of the Los Angeles Superior Court will require, effective Friday, that all court users complete a one-time registration process to access the online portal created for reserving motion dates.

Use of the Court Reservation System (“CRS”) to make and manage certain appearances is mandatory in many civil departments throughout the county. Parties with cases assigned to courts not utilizing the system will continue to follow existing procedures, according to an announcement.

The court said that it is “implementing this new step to enhance user verification and prevent unauthorized reservations.”

The court encouraged anyone who anticipates needing to reserve a date to complete the registration as soon as possible “to ensure uninterrupted access to CRS.” The process will include creating a username and password, providing identity verification information, and selecting the appropriate designation describing the registrant as a law firm, self-represented party, or other category.

Detailed instructions on the reservation process are available on the CRS webpage at the following link:

Those with questions are asked to visit the following website:


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