Metropolitan News-Enterprise


Monday, March 17, 2025


Page 1


Four Elected as L.A. Superior Court Commissioners


By a MetNews Staff Writer


Deputy Public Defender Melinda B. Porter, Deputy Los Angeles City Attorney Wendy Shapero, and Senior Deputy Los Angeles County Counsels Caitlin Taylor and Dash Talbot were declared on Friday to be elected as commissioners of the Los Angeles Superior Court.

Ballots were certified by Superior Court Judges Ruth Ann Kwan, Patti Jo McKay, and Alex Ricciardulli.

The four had been expected to be elected. They were next on the eligibility list compiled by a selections committee.

Porter earned her law degree from Western State University. Shapero gained hers at Southwestern.

Taylor graduated from Hastings College of Law and Talbot’s alma mater is the University of San Francisco School of Law.

Porter is a past president of the Black Public Defender’s Association; Shapero is an Executive Board member and treasurer of the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Association, and Talbot has been a volunteer for the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles and the Coalition of Concerned Legal Professionals in San Francisco.


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