Metropolitan News-Enterprise


Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Page 1


Court of Appeal Justice Victoria Chaney to Retire


By a MetNews Staff Writer



Court of Appeal justice

Court of Appeal Justice Victoria Chaney, 78, announced yesterday that she will be leaving the bench next month.

She said in an email addressed to “Dear Friends and Colleagues”:

“Over these past fifteen years, I have had the honor to have worked with each of you on fascinating and important cases that have affected many people’s lives. On each of these matters, I have valued your thoughtful input and ideas. I have decided to retire effective July 15, 2024. I will miss you and thank each of you for your support.”

While July 1 will mark 15 years since her appointment by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to Div. One of this district’s Court of Appeal, she has been a judge for more than 33 years. Chaney was appointed to the Los Angeles Municipal Court by Gov. George Deukmejian on Dec. 19, 1990.

She was elevated to the Los Angeles Superior Court by Gov. Pete Wilson on May 13, 1994.

At the time of her appointment to the Municipal Court, she was a Los Angeles assistant city attorney. From 1976-79, Chaney was an associate at Dryden Harrington & Swartz.

She was a registered nurse at hospitals before attaining her law degree from Loyola in 1977.


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