Metropolitan News-Enterprise


Thursday, June 20, 2024


Page 1


Commissioners Boxer, Ipson Appointed to Judgeships


By a MetNews Staff Writer




judicial appointees


Two Los Angeles Superior Court commissioners, Doreen Boxer and Steven Ipson, have been named as judges of the court they presently serve, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Tuesday.

Boxer has been a bench officer since 2015 and Ipson was elected by judges in 2016.

They were among 15 appointees to superior court in 11 counties.

At the time of her selection as a commissioner, Boxer was a sole practitioner. She hung out her shingle in 2011.

She was a deputy public defender in Los Angeles County from 1995-96, in Orange County from 1996 to 2006, and in San Bernardino County from 2006 to 2010.

Her law degree is from Yeshiva University Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law.

Boxer fills the vacancy created by the elevation of then-Judge Helen Zukin to the Court of Appeal for this district.

Ipson—not to be confused with Steven J. Ipsen who generated controversy as president of the Association of Deputy District Attorneys and was fired as a county prosecutor by then District Attorney Steve Cooley—was a Los Angeles deputy district attorney from 1994 to 2016. He earned his law degree at Loyola.

He fills the vacancy created by the retirement of Judge John Ing.

Both appointees are Democrats.

The appointment of Boxer and Ipson creates two commissionerships. Highest on the eligibility list are Deputy Federal Public Defender Susel Carrillo-Orellana of the Central District of California and Los Angeles Deputy Public Defender Cornell Myrlin Mimms.


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