Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Page 11
Law School Deans to Appear at Italian American Lawyers Meeting
The Italian American Lawyers Association has lined up four deans, one interim dean and an associate dean from the area’s six leading law schools to speak at tomorrow’s dinner meeting.
The event will be held at Casa Italiana, 1051 N. Broadway, just north of Chinatown. The bar opens at 6 p.m., with dinner following at 7 p.m.
Speakers will be Dean Victor Gold, Loyola Law School; Dean Robert Rasmussen, USC Gould School of Law; Dean Deanell Tacha, Pepperdine University School of Law; Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, UC Irvine School of Law; Interim Dean Austin Parrish, Southwestern Law School; and Associate Dean Elieen Scallen, UCLA School of Law.
The cost to attend is $40 for members and $45 for non-members. Judges are admitted free.
There will be a change in menu. Entrée choices are veal cutlets, chicken marsala, or vegetarian lasagna.
•Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles will stage an Oct. 8 workshop it calls “Improv for Lawyers.”
It will be conducted by Lindsay Audette, the association’s administrative assistant. She explains:
“The goal is to help you think on your feet, listen more thoroughly, react in the moment, gain confidence in public speaking, and ‘get out of your head.’ We will play games and do exercises in a comfortable and fun environment where you will learn to play up your strengths and work through your weaknesses. By the end of the night, you will learn to love the spotlight!”
The workshop will take place at the association’s headquarters, 634 S. Spring Street, First Floor, from 6-8 p.m. The cost will be $25 for members and $40 for nonmembers.
Snacks will be provided.
Reservations are available by telephoning (213) 892-8982.
•Joseph Lieberman, a former U.S. senator from Connecticut and the Democratic Party’s nominee for vice president in the 2000 election, will be representing the Beverly Hills Unified School District in a federal court action.
In an action under the Environmental Protection Act against the Federal Transit Administration, filed Nov. 16, 2012, the school district is seeking to block construction of a subway under Beverly Hills High School.
The Beverly Hills Courier on Friday reported that the Beverly Hills Board of Education had retained the New York-based law firm of Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman LLP, to which Lieberman is senior counsel. The newspaper quoted Lieberman as saying:
“I am thrilled to be representing BHUSD in this case because I believe strongly that the board is right and Metro is wrong. Our firm will do everything we can to make sure justice is done and BHUSD wins.”
In retaining the services of Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman LLP, the school district is dropping representation by the District of Columbia-based Venable LLP. Both firms have an office in Century City.
The weekly Beverly Hills newspaper reports that Board of Education President Jake Manaster “told The Courier he anticipated that changing from a [R]epublican firm (Venable) to the politically diverse KBT&F, which boasts Lieberman, a former [Connecticut] attorney general and the Democratic Party’s vice presidential nominee in 2000, would serve the district well in working with L.A.’s new Democratic Mayor Eric Garcetti and the Democrat-controlled Federal Transportation Authority.”
•The Pasadena Bar Association Tax Law Section on Friday will offer a noon talk on “Ethics for Tax Lawyers: Problems in Confidentiality.”
Pasadena attorney Kneave Riggall, a certified tax law specialist and chair of the section, will be the speaker.
The cost to attend is $35 for members and $45 for nonmembers.
Mijares Restaurant at 145 Palmetto Dr., in Pasadena, will be the venue.
Reservations are not required.
Attendees will receive one hour of MCLE credit in ethics and one hour of Taxation Law Specialization credit.
•The Los Angeles County Bar Association’s delegation to the Conference of California Bar Associations, meeting in San Jose from Oct. 11-13, has been gearing up to present LACBA’s views on the resolutions slated to be acted upon.
The event will be held in tandem with the State Bar convention. The conference broke off from the State Bar in 2002.
Below, at a recent delegation meeting, are, from left, past chairs of the delegation San Bernardino Superior Court Judge Janet Frangie, LACBA President Patricia Egan Daehnke, and Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Donna Hollingsworth.
•The International Footprinters Association’s San Fernando Chapter on Oct. 1 will hear from John Nantroup, head deputy in the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office Organized Crime Division and Victor Rodriguez, that office’s assistant head deputy of the Sex Crimes Division.
They will discuss, “Human Trafficking and Child Prostitution.”
The dinner meeting, to be held at Taix Restaurant, 1911 W Sunset Blvd., in Echo Park, will start at 6 p.m.
Members will be charged $45 to attend, nonmembers will pay $55, and the first 25 judges to make reservations will be admitted free. The telephone number to call for reservations is (661) 209-1101.
•Los Angeles Superior Court judges assigned to the South District have moved into the new Gov. George Deukmejian Courthouse in Long Beach. Here’s the line-up:
Judge James D. Otto, supervising judge, Department 1.
Judge Michael P. Vicencia, assistant supervising judge, civil Department S26.
Judge Halim Dhanidina, Department 08.
Judge Gary J. Ferrari, Department S23.
Judge Michele Flurer, Department S06.
Judge Arthur Jean, Department S24.
Judge Mark C. Kim, Department S20.
Judge Laura Laesecke, Department S05.
Judge J. D. Lord, Department S07.
Judge Sally Meloch, Department S02.
Judge Judith L. Meyer, Department S18.
Judge Tomson T. Ong, Department S19.
Judge James B. Pierce, Department S22.
Judge Jesse I. Rodriguez, Department S09.
Judge Richard R. Romero, Department S21
Juvenile Delinquency:
Judge John H. Ing, Department S31.
Judge John C. Lawson II, Department S30.
Commissioner Dennis W. Carroll, Department S03.
Judge Joseph E. DiLoreto, Department S29.
Judge Ross M. Klein, Department S27.
Judge Patrick T. Madden, Department S28.
Family Law:
Commissioner John Chemeleski, Department S15.
Judge Lori R. Behar, Department S16.
Unlawful Detainers:
Judge Peter J. Mirich, Department S12; also assigned to all matters in Department 001, Catalina Courthouse on alternate Fridays.
Commissioner Douglas M. Haigh, Department S12.
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