Monday, February 6, 2012
Page 3
Memorial Scheduled for Legal Publisher William A. Rutter
By a MetNews Staff Writer
A memorial service will be held Feb. 18 for legal publisher William A. Rutter, who died Thursday night.
Rutter, a 1955 graduate of USC Law School, founded The Rutter Group, which he later sold to West Publishing Co. He was admitted to the State Bar in 1955 and remained an active member until December of last year.
According to a 2006 article on the law school’s website, Rutter practiced with classmate Sydney M. Irmas, specializing in business litigation and appellate work until 1970. He also wrote and published all of the original Gilbert Law Summaries, and with Irmas co-founded the company that became BAR/BRI Bar Review.
He founded The Rutter Group in 1979.
Briefly an adjunct professor at USC, he established teaching awards at the four UC law schools, and created a similar award with a $1.2 million gift to his alma mater in 2006. Tthe William A. Rutter Distinguished Teaching Award, is given to an “exceptional classroom teacher,” and carries a prize of $50,000.
The Feb. 18 memorial service will be held at Westwood United Methodist Church. Additional information was not available Friday.
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