Monday, April 25. 2011
Page 3
AOC’s CCPOR Computer Program Honored
By a MetNews Staff Writer
The Administrative Office of the Courts, which has been plagued with criticism over the development of its computerized case management system, on Friday announced that it is being honored for the technology project which was leveraged from the beleaguered CCMS program.
A spokesperson for the agency said The Center for Digital Government has selected the California Courts Protective Order Registry program as this year’s recipient of the Best Application Serving an Agency’s Business Needs Award.
The center, a national research and advisory institute on information technology policies and best practices in state and local government, is slated to present the award to the AOC at a ceremony May 9 in Sacramento. Each year the center presents awards recognizing California state and local government and education organizations for their dedication and contributions to improving the efficiency, economy, innovation, functionality, performance expectations, and collaboration of information technology, according to its website.
Mark W. Dusman, director of the AOC’s Information Services Division, remarked that CCPOR is not just a judicial branch IT project developed with limited resources—this was a successful, close collaboration by the AOC with the superior courts, law enforcement, and the California Department of Justice.”
He explained that the web-based application “uses technology consistent with the strategic direction of the judicial branch,” and “contains elements from the California Court Case Management System, which is now in its final stages of testing.”
CCPOR is designed allow judges and justice system partners to view exact electronic images of restraining and protective orders issued from all participating counties, including the conditions and notes contained on those orders, an AOC release said. It is intended to replace an earlier statewide program which could only store information about issued orders and was inaccessible to judges.
The judiciary has invested heavily in technology projects in recent years, and drawn fire for its development of CCMS, which has ballooned in cost from an original estimate of $260 million to over $1.9 billion, according to findings by the state auditor released earlier this year in a scathing report that accused the AOC of mismanagement and hiding the true costs of the project.
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