Metropolitan News-Enterprise


Thursday, August 1, 2002


Page 3


Chief Justice George Assuming Leadership Posts in National Court Organizations


By a MetNews Staff Writer


Chief Justice Ronald M. George is scheduled to assume two national court leadership posts today as he is sworn in as president-elect of the Conference of Chief Justices and becomes chair-elect of the Board of Directors of the National Center for State Courts.

George, who has been active in both organizations since he became California chief justice in 1996, will hold the positions for a year and then take over the top jobs from New York Chief Judge Judith S. Kaye.

The oath ceremony will be at a Conference of Chief Justices’ annual meeting in Maine.

The group was founded in 1949 to provide an opportunity for the top jurists of each state to discuss administration of justice, procedure, and the organization and operation of state courts. The members are the highest judicial officer from each state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and U.S. territories.

The National Center for State Courts, based in Williamsburg, Va., was founded in 1971 by U.S. Chief Justice Warren E. Burger to improve the administration of justice through research, education, consulting and information services.


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