Metropolitan News-Enterprise


Monday, June 3, 2002


Page 5


Assemblywoman Corbett Named to California Judicial Council


By a MetNews Staff Writer


Assembly Judiciary Chair Ellen Corbett, D-San Leandro, was named Friday to the California Judicial Council by Assembly Speaker Herb Wesson, D-Culver City.

Corbett replaces Assemblyman Darryl Steinberg, D-Sacramento. Corbett replaced Steinberg as Judiciary chair in March when Steinberg became head of the Appropriations Committee.

The Judicial Council consists of 16 judges appointed by the chief justice, three lawyers appointed by the State Bar Board of Governors, and two legislators appointed by the Senate and Assembly leaders. It has been customary for the legislative appointees to be the chairs of the respective Judiciary committees, which generally hear all bills related to the courts, the practice of law and the administration of justice.

Corbett worked her way through McGeorge School of Law as a state Capitol tour guide, then opened a San Leandro law practice and was elected to the East Bay city’s council, serving four years as mayor.

In the Assembly, her bills include a law requiring gun-show promoters to be licensed.


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