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Council Set to Vote on Hahn Veto of Measure to Increase Term Limits
By a MetNews Staff Writer
Members of the City Council are expected today to vote on whether to override Mayor James Hahn’s veto of a council move to put a term limits extension measure on the March 5 ballot.
Hahn late Wednesday vetoed the term limits provision just hours after the council voted 9-4 to move forward. Ten votes are required to override the veto.
If placed on the ballot and approved by voters, the measure would extend the current limit of two four-year terms for elected officials to three terms.
Council members Nate Holden, Janice Hahn, Ruth Galanter, and Tom La Bonge, expressed their opposition with their votes against the measure Wednesday. Hahn’s spokesperson said he hadn’t heard from the councilwoman all day and was not sure if she had changed her mind. Galanter’s spokesperson said the councilwoman would wait until the meeting to make her decision but reiterated Galanter’s opposing stance on Wednesday. Neither LaBonge nor his spokesperson could be reached for comment.
Holden’s spokesperson said the councilman will introduce a new ordinance on term limits today, but the councilman could not be reached for comment. Holden favors extending term limits but said he voted against the ordinance on Wednesday since he knew Mayor Hahn would veto it.
Councilman Alex Padilla said he will vote to override the veto.
“This matter should be placed before voters,” he said. “It is an opportunity for them to decide by themselves whether to have more than two terms. Most of a city official’s first term is learning the ropes, and at the end of the second term, it becomes musical chairs by elected officials. A long history of public service brings extended projects and resources.”
Councilman Hal Berson won’t be attending the meeting since he had a prior engagement and will be out of town, his spokesperson said.
Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas was absent on Wednesday’s meeting and has not expressed a clear stance.
The remaining seven council members all voted in favor of the proposal to extend term limits Wednesday but could not be reached for comment.
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