Tuesday, July 24, 2001
Page 3
State Commission Looking for Input on Study of Civil Discovery Outside State
By a MetNews Staff Writer
A state commission is seeking public comment on a background study relating to how jurisdictions outside California conduct civil discovery in an effort to improve discovery practices within the state.
The background study, prepared for the California Law Revision Commission by McGeorge School of Law Professor Gregory S. Weber, is part of a larger study by the panel to find whether discovery procedures in other jurisdictions could be used to improve discovery processes in California.
The commission studies the law in order to discover defects and anachronisms and recommends legislation to make needed reforms.
The background study describes innovations in general discovery practices, such as mandatory pretrial disclosure, and increased judicial control over discovery, and reforms that apply to specific discovery devices, such as depositions, interrogatories, medical examinations, and requests for admissions.
The study is available for review at www.clrc.ca.gov by following the “Public Comment” link or by writing to the California Law Revision Commission, 4000 Middlefield Road, Room D-1, Palo Alto, CA 94303-4379.
The commission will take any comments received by Dec. 31 into account in determining the scope, general direction, and priorities for its study.
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